A blog about Good Food, Sustainable Living and Learning as we go.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday w/ Sara: Valentines Edition

Who has two thumbs and is employed? That's right. Yours truly got her first job in 2 and a half years. I start Wednesday. I am not excited about finding day care. The place I REALLY wanted to send LB is full for now, so we are wait-listed. Kinder Care wants us, but they are pretty pricey so I gotta make some phone calls tomorrow which, if you know me, is my absolute LEAST favorite thing to do. I hate talking on the phone. I also need to go shopping for a couple pairs of Jeans to work in, every single pair I have has holes worn in the knees or are huge on me. I also hate jeans shopping, but not as much as making phone calls.

LB had a check up this past week at a new pediatrician and he is comin' along nicely. He is in the 98th percentile for height at 36 inches and, like, 26th percentile or something for weight at 28 pounds. Tall & skinny, like daddy. Doing tons of talking, though we still only understand some of it. He can jump and have both feet leave the ground. He adores slow-motion pillow fights.He can pick stuff up with his feet... like mommy. He is also now off the binkie... mainly because he chewed them all to pieces and I refuse to buy more. He got into some nail polish this week (he didn't get it in his mouth), I am still at a loss as to how he managed to reach it... so we have one tiny pink toe nail, a couple stains on the rug and our Pooh toy looks like it has a pink head wound... This is the reason I get out of bed in the morning. Hot damn, I love that kid.

Saturday was the Baked. cupcake sale, and it went swimmingly. This morning was the Rock & Roll half Marathon, we had a friend running in it so we went downtown at the butt crack of dawn too hold signs and cheer her on from several different spots on the course. Then we hit the Honkey Bucket for lunch and then home so the boy could nap. Beau bought L.A. Noire for me, but I can't imagine when I will ever be able to find time to play it.

It has indeed been a busy week. I feel a bit overwhelmed. Change is always a little stressful. I know once we settle into our new schedule I will feel better. But here I sit, feeling like my brain is operating at 64% of its full capacity. Notice this post had nothing to do with Valentines Day? Read this if you want. I read that this morning... it was kind of fun. :-) And I now know that "Penny Dreadfuls" would be the best band name ever... too bad its taken by a punk band already...

1 comment:

  1. What a mischief maker...glad to hear it the polish didn't get too out of hand!

    Lots of luck with the new job and phone calls. I hate the phone too. =/
