A blog about Good Food, Sustainable Living and Learning as we go.

Friday, February 24, 2012

What a way to make a living.

Working for the man.
So I have worked for 8 days now. And I work again tomorrow. I work very, very hard... and I don't make much money. I will be working even harder in the near future... hopefully making more money. I opened a bank account today to put my new checks in.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. LB has shots in the AM which Beau is going to have to take him to, I have to work at 10 and then at 1 Heather has a dress fitting and I probably have to try some on too. I'm feeling pretty *fluffy* at the moment so this outta be entertaining.

This post was just an excuse to put up a picture of the boy.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

In the Kitchen w/ Sara: The Greatest Hits of Cauliflower

I made 2 cauliflower based recipes this week, both from the lovely CupcakesOMG.

Mushroom/Bacon/Cauliflower "Faux"sotto (risotto). I modified it and used Brussels Sprouts instead of Peas... I hate peas...

... and loaded "Faux"tato Soup with bacon and onions and cheese... it was fucking awesome. I can't seem to locate a link for this one, but its as easy as pureeing steamed Cauliflower instead of potatoes.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday w/ Sara:The Meltdown Edition

So its a beautiful Sunday. Its cool and windy, kinda sunny, kinda over cast. Its really pretty. So why did I wake up in a state of panic? Oh yeah. This is why.

I am having some (A LOT) separation anxiety from LB since starting work. He doesn't miss me AT ALL, but I am so lost without him. I am also freaked out because I seem to have NO TIME anymore for anything. I haven't made dinner in days. I am a little sick (its in my ears, nose and throat) but I can't really do anything about it. LB has been a little sick, but if I take time off to go to the doctor, which he may not even need, I might lose the job that worked so hard to obtain since I am too new to be taking time off. Our living space is a disastrous mess because I am WAY to tired to clean. I haven't taken a proper shower in days. I am losing my mind trying to get LB into day care... the pediatricians office, like, REFUSES to call us back or something about his shot record, he needs a damn shot record to get into day care, he probably needs shots too even though his new Ped. says he didn't. Oh yeah, and he doesn't like her. That is going to hold up the getting into school thing... I feel like pulling my hair out. I spent 5 hours each day driving last week and if you know me, you know my disdain for traffic. I am going to use up the hospitality of my friends before too long with the watching of my kid...

And that isn't even everything... its most of it, but there is more.

I know everything will work out, that things will start to fall into place and I know that I am over reacting and letting WAY to many things get to me. I am trying to calm down. Its just so much change so fast is really overwhelming...

Ok. I feel a little better... not really actually but... thanks for listening to me rant... plus Jen just gave me an awesome chocolate cupcake that made me pretty happy.

Sorry, no new pictures of LB this week... I just haven't had the time. My new phone is bad ass though and I love it, so there will be pictures to come. I'm gonna go watch Dexter...

Friday, February 17, 2012

In the Kitchen w/ Sara: Stuffed Mushrooms

I made these Tuesday night but, with my hectic new schedule, I haven't had a chance to post it until now. They were delicious. Chicken, neufchatel and asiago cheese and spinach stuffed portabello.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I hear a tiny voice in the back seat say "Bubble?" I turn and see him poking a large snot bubble...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday w/ Sara: Valentines Edition

Who has two thumbs and is employed? That's right. Yours truly got her first job in 2 and a half years. I start Wednesday. I am not excited about finding day care. The place I REALLY wanted to send LB is full for now, so we are wait-listed. Kinder Care wants us, but they are pretty pricey so I gotta make some phone calls tomorrow which, if you know me, is my absolute LEAST favorite thing to do. I hate talking on the phone. I also need to go shopping for a couple pairs of Jeans to work in, every single pair I have has holes worn in the knees or are huge on me. I also hate jeans shopping, but not as much as making phone calls.

LB had a check up this past week at a new pediatrician and he is comin' along nicely. He is in the 98th percentile for height at 36 inches and, like, 26th percentile or something for weight at 28 pounds. Tall & skinny, like daddy. Doing tons of talking, though we still only understand some of it. He can jump and have both feet leave the ground. He adores slow-motion pillow fights.He can pick stuff up with his feet... like mommy. He is also now off the binkie... mainly because he chewed them all to pieces and I refuse to buy more. He got into some nail polish this week (he didn't get it in his mouth), I am still at a loss as to how he managed to reach it... so we have one tiny pink toe nail, a couple stains on the rug and our Pooh toy looks like it has a pink head wound... This is the reason I get out of bed in the morning. Hot damn, I love that kid.

Saturday was the Baked. cupcake sale, and it went swimmingly. This morning was the Rock & Roll half Marathon, we had a friend running in it so we went downtown at the butt crack of dawn too hold signs and cheer her on from several different spots on the course. Then we hit the Honkey Bucket for lunch and then home so the boy could nap. Beau bought L.A. Noire for me, but I can't imagine when I will ever be able to find time to play it.

It has indeed been a busy week. I feel a bit overwhelmed. Change is always a little stressful. I know once we settle into our new schedule I will feel better. But here I sit, feeling like my brain is operating at 64% of its full capacity. Notice this post had nothing to do with Valentines Day? Read this if you want. I read that this morning... it was kind of fun. :-) And I now know that "Penny Dreadfuls" would be the best band name ever... too bad its taken by a punk band already...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

You like cupcakes? We should hang out...

Today, LB thought it would be a awesome idea to wake up at 5:30. I am not in agreement with him. Last night was his first night ever without a binkie. He did really well, but these two things may be linked...

So, on the agenda for today... COME TO THIS IT WILL BE OSM. Its not gonna rain today, I checked.

The 600 block of Central Ave in St. Pete will be littered with street vendors, sweet deals at the stores, music, and 2 lovely ladies selling yummy cupcakes in front of The Trunk. That is to say, Jen Clanton and I will be there pimping her Valentines Day Delights.  We'll be there at about noon and for a few hours after that. Under a big, rainbow umbrella (in case it does rain or is too sunny... umbrellas are handy).

Every one of those links is worth clicking; Its fun, so do it.  And like stuff. And follow stuff. And if you tweet, follow @get_baked_today.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

In the Kitchen w/ Sara: Cauliflower Crab Cakes

Yesterday was eventful. Many many productive things were done...

I may be starting a new job next week, my first in 2 and a half years; LB has a check up today and shots (that outta be fun); A day care center has been selected (we can't enroll until after the boys shot record is up to date); My phone broke and a new one is on the way *thpt* and I cooked up something spectacular last night. But more on that in a minute.

LB came to a conclusion yesterday. A couple actually, one is that he no longer wants to take naps apparently, and the other came to him while I was doing dishes. My back was turned, I wasn't paying immediate attention to him, he decided the best way to get my attention was to remove his diaper, pee on the chair, and dance naked around the kitchen. *sigh* I just washed the cushions too.

Anyhoo... For dinner yesterday evening I just pulled a recipe off of the interwebz, Googlin' what I had: Cauliflower & Crab. So I made Cauliflower Crab Cakes. I don't have a camera because that broke, and since my phone also broke I had no way to take a picture of my pretties, so the photo below is from the website (several sites had identical ones actually, so this recipe has been around.. re-posted a million times without any actual original credit, so who knows where this came from... not that it is that frigg'n complex, really...). I skipped the celery since we didn't have any, but it wasn't missing anything without it. I added a little garlic in its place. And a couple tablespoons of breadcrumbs to help hold it together. Breaking 2 pounds of crab legs open and extracting the yummy insides left my fingers pruny, but it was worth it.

Cauliflower Crab Cakes

by MAGNOLIA on OCTOBER 22, 2009
Post image for Cauliflower Crab Cakes
  • 2 cups crabmeat
  • 2 cups cooked and mashed cauliflower
  • 1/3 cup minced celery
  • 1/3 cup minced onion
  • 1 Tbsp parsley
  • 2 eggs beaten
  • Extra-virgin olive oil or grapeseed oil (for saute’ing)
  • Salt & Pepper to taste.
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, except the olive oil.  form into 6 patties and chill in refrigerator for at least 1 hour.  Brown in skillet lightly coated with olive oil. 
Makes 6 servings
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per Serving: Calories 160 – Calories from Fat 40 – Total Fat 4.5 g  Saturated Fat 1 g – Cholesterol 140 mg – Sodium 500 mg – Total Carbohydrate 6 g Dietary Fiber 2 g – Sugars 2 g – Protein 24 g – Calcium 10% DV

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sundays w/ Sara: Superbowl Edition

Happy "big game" Day everyone. Go Pats? I don't know... what ever...

So we have been blessed with a bit of good fortune. Its kind of shocking with our history of bad awful terrible horrifically abysmal luck, and it still hasn't quite sunk in; someone gave us a car. A pair of kind relatives (thank you Jan & David :-D) have bestowed upon us a vehicle. We have been getting around couple of beach cruisers up until yesterday and I mean to keep using mine, I seriously love it... but DAMN is this helpful to have a car. So, thank you so very, very much. We love you. There is literally not enough ways to say "thank you" for what you have done for us. This is awesome.

In other news, I got to hold a Marlin 922M yesterday. That was fun. First time in a long time... didn't get to shoot it (there is a pin or spring that needs replacing) but I anticipate getting to show my mom how to shoot soon. Every girl should handle a firearm at some point... its too enjoyable not too.

I painted my nails, baked some muffins, ate a yummy sandwich at moms, assembled a new desk and though about Facebook. I am feeling a little lost without the ability to "feed" every single silly thought that pops into my head into a constant stream of other silly thoughts, but honestly I am better off... Its like not having cable; once in a while you miss it, but generally I feel like a more complete and happy person without it in my life.

 PS - Cell Phone pictures SUCK, sorry, but our camera is broken. We are working on getting a new one soon. I hope. One thing at a time.

Beau got some skin cancer removed this week. He is going to have a big, lovely 3 inch long scar on his forearm and 3 on his back about the size of dimes. Hopefully they got all of it. He goes back in 2 weeks for a follow up and to have the stitches removed. I will spare you the pictures here. I'm sure they will be on Facebook sooner or later. He is also slated to start his new job next week, so that is good. Wewt for good news.

*He has just informed me that he popped a stitch in the shower. Oh boy! *ick*

LB is swell, as always. He has doubled his food intake and is growing like a weed; he is as tall as most of the 3 year olds we know, which is bad ass. His vocabulary has gotten "colorful"... as in he heard me say "oh shit" the other day and now its his favorite thing to say. He completely gets how to use it too... Ug.

And one of the baby guy to keep the gang happy, since no one wants to hear about me anyway :-P
That's all for today... go enjoy your commercials, I mean football game.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Can you heal Cavities with Nutrition?

If you had asked me that yesterday, I would have said "Damn, I wish. I have a mouthful of them." but I would have assumed that the answer was "No". I stumbled across this blog post after reading about homemade antiseptic mouthwash (I wanna start making stuff myself like Laundry detergent and toothpaste...) and I am pretty excited about trying this.

The Healthy Home Economist - How I healed my child's cavity

So, I have a need to find these butter oil capsules and cod liver oil (i wonder if regular fish oil would work... I have 2 bottles of that...) I will skip the butter honey toast, thank you very much. I am forced to wonder if Butter was the magic maker here. Maybe all that calcium... Hm... I will get on this (as soon as I find the capsules) and let cha know how it goes. I have at least 2 cavities, one on my left top first molar one in my lower right central incisor.