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Happy 2012. The last year on Earth... OK, I don't actually believe that, but its kinda fun to say. Referring to the madness in jest just *feels* right.
Anyhoo. So this Blog (with as few as it reaches) is morphing into a personal blog about my family, myself, my friends, my food... in general, my little life. I am cutting the Facebook umbilical cord and endeavoring to live a life free from Social Networking sites, to build real relationships with real people and do it in the real world. Not that I begrudge anyone their addictions, but this is one I just can't do anymore. I'm saving all the old pictures that I don't have copies of any where else and deleting them. This takes a surprisingly long time. By the end of January my FB account will be no more.
And with my new found freedom I find myself reading more ACTUAL articles about ACTUAL things... boy am I out of the loop. On Natural News I read this article about making it illegal to collect rainwater for personal use... which is pretty fucking ridiculous if you ask me... dirty, lying, greedy bastards. I hate politicians. Things like this are why I am an angry little anarchist.
And this one is just fun and a little gross. With interesting, though slightly incorrect fun facts like:
"Confectioner's glaze" -- a common coating on candies and pills -- is made from the bodily excretions of an Asian beetle.
which isn't entirely true; its not a beetle... its a "scale insect". Its a fun way to make yourself think twice about what you put in your mouth and how potentially disgusting may be. Some of it is lovely things that make you feel good too but beware the in between.So... since early 2011, I have been casually attempting to live a sort of Primal/Paleo lifestyle... and have been failing miserably. It wasn't bad until November/December... naturally. I had lost about 15 pounds over the course of 5 or 6 months and in 2 months gained 10 of it back. The first week of January we were in Orlando on a mini vacation courtesy of my wonderful mother-in-law and the second week of January I was so very, very sick. I haven't much felt like blogging or putting a lot of effort into eating properly. Now we are in the Third week of January and I finally feel ready to really give this year the old college try.
Speaking of which, I am *trying* to go back to school. I have had some hiccups along the way, some very annoying, almost defeating hiccups, but I am working through the frustration. I am not having any luck at all trying to find a job, so school is my last hope. Its incredibly stupid how hard it is for a SAHM to return to the working world... you're over qualified, under qualified or you're schedule doesn't jive. People don't respect your old talents or your new ones, nor do they want the trouble of someone with kids. Its a bleak way to start a year. I am half hoping this is "the end"; aliens returning or cataclysms... anything has got to be better than this world as we know it.
But that isn't a very sunny disposition, is it now? So... This year I will try my best to:
- Eat real, whole food and have the will power to say "No" to the junk.
- Get my ass gainfully employed or back into school.
- Stop being such a bitter, angry bitch.
These are not resolutions... no one ever keeps up with those. I need to be a better person, and these are the short term goals I need to reach in order to do that... I think. We'll see how it goes.
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