A blog about Good Food, Sustainable Living and Learning as we go.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sundays w/ Sara: The Zoo Edition

So Sundays w/ Sara is fast becoming every other Sunday w/ Sara... sorry about that. I mean to blog more, I honestly do, I am just not that exciting. Some weekends we don't so much and I am so busy, I don't have much free time for the frivolities that would be worth blogging about. Next weekend should be good. Its Beaus birthday and we are going to the Keys for the weekend. We return on Sunday so I will post all the pics, videos, etc probably on Monday...

And with that out of the way, I present a short and not very good video of our jaunt to the zoo this morning. I realized I don't record enough video so I will be making an attempt at doing this... and hopefully my skills will improve, because this movie sucks. The credits rule. I think I utilized the pre-set intros and outtros (is that a word?) quite nicely.  Now, in all its cheesy goodness, my directorial debut.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sundays w/ Sara: the Nonsense Edition

We went fishing at the Skyway Pier on Saturday. I caught the first fish, on the first cast. It was osm. I then proceeded to catch nothing else for the 3 hours that followed. Its cool. I still win. We didn't catch much, nothing worth keeping. Gotta get out on a deep sea boat one of these days. The Hubbs is itching to catch a big fish.

Beau cut LBs hair with the clippers and it actually looks really good. I love his long, curly locks but this is much more summer appropriate. Here is the before...

He wouldn't let me take an after pic, but sooner or later it will show up.

Lets see, what else... 

I almost had a doughnut this week but the smell literally made my stomach clench. It was as if my body knew how much pain and suffering it would cause and steered me toward the produce department instead. I am down to a less zaftig 144lbs. I know I am thinner because my belly button is shallower. I know, right? I happened to stick my finger in it by accident the other morning as I was waking up... doing the tummy scratch and stretch... and my finger didn't go in as far as it used to. 

Its a milestone. 

*Here are some photos from this weekend including LB as a monkey in a tree with his new hair cut and Beau being manly.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sundays w/ Sara: Easter Edition

My phone apparently won't spell check me when I am blogging so you can see just how abysmal my spelling really is.

Just a quiet morning at home. The Boy and I playing outside, drawing in chalk on the patio, riding around in his car, fighing off mosquitos. Its beautiful. There is a pair of Woodpeckers trying to make a home in the telephone pole that stands majesticly in the South East corner of the back yard. I would kick a kitten for a decent chai right about now. I frigg'n love Sunday mornings.

I so would not really kick a kitten. That is all.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

In the Kitchen w/ Sara: Grouper Cakes

This meal was inspired by this post. The Hubbs doesn't like salmon so I did it with grouper instead. It was fucking delicious.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sundays w/ Sara: The April Fools Edition

Its officially Spring, but here it feels like Summer already. SO. HOT. So the allergies have been horrific, the bitey bugs won't frigg'n die and the AC is on full blast.

Welcome to Florida.

Anyhoo, its been a... well, its been a week. Beau ended up back in the ER with an infection in his spine from where the stuck him for the spinal tap. He is on bed rest and antibiotics. LB is still suffering from allergies and has probably got that ear infection back. Its a week on, week off type deal and its wearing on me. I am going to try some home remedies before taking him  to yet another quack that doesn't actually care if my kid ever gets better. My deep and abiding mistrust of doctors is only worsening in under these circumstances. Also, there have been reports across the board of many of the other people in my life suffering from various ailments of their own. It seems that I am the only healthy person on the planet at the moment. I was in a really bad mood for no reason for a couple days and I hear it told that many other folks have felt the same this week... something in the air maybe... but the weather has been sunny and cheerful, I've had time to read a lot (while my guys are resting) and I have been to the beach a couple times. I really can't complain too much. All in all, I feel pretty positive today.

This is really just a rambly post because I like the sound of my own voice in my head... though sometimes it sounds like Morgan Freeman or Michael C. Hall... 

Here are some of the fun things I have discovered this week:

Pinterest - I am frigg'n ADDICTED. If I have even 5 minutes of spare time I am on and looking at pretty things. I can't help myself... and its so much easier than the folder full of magazine clippings I used to keep.

Mooncup - This one is about lady parts, so fella's, stay clear. I am interested in trying this. Less waste is always a good thing.

Design Seeds - I love color pallets, and this is so pretty and inspiring.

Frugally Sustainable - I follow this blog and a couple days ago I found an old post linking to her Etsy shop. *love* I plan to make some of her stuff myself (like her tooth powder) but should I ever feel lazy, I can buy it instead.

Art Of Manliness - I am in love with this site. It shows you how to throw a tomahawk, tie a tie, shave with a straight razor, make a small game snare or start a fire with out matches 9 different ways. Its 1900's style manliness for the modern man... and women can enjoy it too. I actually picked up a thing about saturating cotton balls in Vaseline and stuffing 30 or so into a small film container. One used under kindling will burn hot for 10-15 minutes and start a proper fire without much fuss. I plan to use this on our first camping trip of the year. And I am excited about it too.

Ug... I would punch a puppy for a Pina Colada and a Grouper Sandwich right about now...

Oh yeah, here are some pics of LB from Saturday morning. We went to the beach with BeBe.